
Entity Definition

Logical Name : WorkstationRule
Physical Name : RU_WS

A rule governing the type and size of transactions that may be performed at a Workstation.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
WorkstationGroupID (FK)(PK) A unqiue system assigned identifier for a set of Workstations with similar resource access control permissions. ID_WSGP Identity integer WorkstationGroup(CO_WSGP)
WorkstationRuleTypeCode (PK) A code that refers to a specific WORKSTATION RULE type. TY_RU_WS Code2 char(2)
WorkstationRuleNumber (PK) A reference number for a specific WORKSTATION RULE. ID_RU_WS Identity integer
Name A label for a rule that may limit sales at a specific workstation. NM_RU_WS Name varchar(40)
LowerLimitAmount A WORKSTATION RULE that refers to a lower limit amount, below which supervisory approval is required. LL_RU_WS Money decimal(16,5)
UpperLimitAmount A WORKSTATION RULE that refers to an upper limit amount, above which supervisory approval is required. This can apply to individual item sale or the whole TRANSACTION. UL_RU_WS Money decimal(16,5)
BelowLowerLimitActionRequiredTypeCode A code that specifies the type of supervisory action required when the WORKSTATION records an item movement below a lower limit. TY_ACTN_RQ_BLW_LM Code2 char(2)
AboveUpperLimitActionRequiredTypeCode A code that specifies the type of supervisory action required when the WORKSTATION records an item movement above an upper limit. TY_ACTN_RQ_ABV_LM Code2 char(2)
ActionApprovalByTypeCode A code to signify the type of approval granted. TY_ACTN_APVL_BY Code2 char(2)
MultiplierAmount A rule that specifies the amount by which a certain monetary amount can be multiplied. For example coupons can be tripled in value as part of a promotion.d CP_MPR_WS_RU Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
MultiplierMultiplicandTypeCode A code to signify how much a multiplicand can be multiplied. For example coupons can be doubled in value up to a coupon value of 50c. Beyond that value the coupon is accepted at its face value. TY_MPD_MPR_WS_RU Code2 char(2)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
WorkstationGroup uses WorkstationRule
WorkstationRule authorizes collection of WorkstationRuleTender
WorkstationRule governs WorkstationRuleApplication

Logical Views containing WorkstationRule

Logical View
Logical 06210 - Access Control - Rules View
Logical 06220 - Access Control - Overrides View